The RevitPythonShell exposes the Revit API to the Python programming language. And to keep with the spirit of Python, it includes a REPL (Read Evaluate Print Loop), the interactive shell that let's you try out code snippets inside a running Autodesk Revit instance! This offers a totally new way to create addins for Revit and Vasari with a more hands-on experience.
- Python language scripting (IronPython)
- Syntax highlighting
- full access to the Revit API
- export RevitPythonShell scripts as standalone-addins
- access to the batteries included python standard library as well as the .NET framework - mix the best of both worlds
- edit + run scripts without restarting Revit
Brainstorming chapters / sections:
- Callum: Ideas for chapters could include interface creation (I use winforms, but this opens a whole other realm - I find I spend more time coding the interface than I do manipulating the database!), and a whole lot of simple examples (geometry, revisions, sheet manipulation, family placement, family purging/renaming) etc.
- mention places to learn about Revit API programming (The Building Coder)
- mention guides to convert c# code to IronPython
- go through the Revit API examples, translating them
- Contribute (tell people how to get in contact with bug fixes and new features from the community)
- including python libraries
- InitScript with src attribute
- can we have multiple StartupScripts?
- interactive non-modal REPL
- sample scripts from the SDK? go through them one at a time
- in fact: new goal: every friday, try out some new piece of API and blog it?
- Close Revit from the API (in StartupScript e.g.)